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Conrad Chow’s Premieres Features Works by Broughton

PremieresPremieres: The recording, on Cambria Master Recordings (Cambria CD-1204; distributed by Naxos) features Canadian violinist Conrad Chow and premiere recordings of music by Bruce Broughton – the renowned Oscar Nominee, Emmy Award-winning L.A. film composer – and works by Canadian composers Ronald Royer and Kevin Lau, performed by Conrad Chow and the celebrated Sinfonia Toronto, conducted by Ronald Royer. “Premieres” also includes a bonus track, featuring Conrad Chow and Bruce Broughton (playing piano), delivering Chopin’s Nocturne in C# Minor.

The focus of this CD centers on the concept of the Premiere: the first showing of, or introduction to, something new. While new, each piece is inspired by earlier musical styles: Bruce Broughton’s Concerto for Violin and Chamber Orchestra, Triptych evokes elements of the Baroque, 20th-century Prokofiev, and Celtic fiddle music of Scotland; his Gold Rush Songs are based on traditional American folksongs.

The making of Bruce Broughton’s Triptych was captured by well-known Canadian filmmaker Saul Pincus. The concerti were recorded July 4–6, 2011, at Revolution Recording (Toronto) by Jeff Wolpert. The violin and piano pieces were recorded October 14, 2011, at Firehouse Recording Studios (Pasadena, CA) by Ed Woolley.

The CD is available on and iTunes.

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